Thursday, January 31, 2008

Victoria in January

I've not been meaning to neglect this blog but between the holiday season and another blog I'm trying to get underway I haven't been able to give it much attention. At any rate, I intend to spend more time writing specifically about Victoria rather than the more serious topics that I'll be discussing on the other blog.
Victoria is a photogenic old girl and I like to take pictures of her. Tomorrow will be February and any time she will be pinning daffodils and cherry blossoms to her pinafore. During last week's cool sunny weather I looked for the first blooms but the best I could find were these buds almost bursting to pop out.
Victoria has lots of moods. In the winter she can be dull and gray for days and weeks on end, but as the days get longer she brightens up for a few days or a week at a time and cheers everybody up. Some days she can be dull and gray one moment, stormy and windy the next and then suddenly break out in bright sunshine. The signs are in the sky and clouds for everybody to see, and she has a huge sky for a canvas.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Springtime in January

The Christmas/New Years commotion always incapacitates me. Now that it's over I'll try to get back to posting here regularly. I'll make things easy on myself today by uploading a few photos I took yesterday. It was cool, dry and sunny, a classic Victoria January harbinger of spring. I took a friend around with me to show him a few of my favourite spots which he, lacking a car, had never seen. Esquimault Lagoon is a bird sanctuary,and just up the hill is Fort Rodd Hill, a fortification built in the late 19th Century. Below the fort is the Fisgard Lighthouse. These locations are in the Colwood/Langford area west of Victoria proper, but easily accessible by bicycle from town.