In the blogs I read there has been lots of commentary about Al "Chicken Little" Gore's concerts to save the planet from global warming. Since I hate rock and roll as much as I hate TV, the whole affair hardly crossed my radar. The spectacle of environmental activists jetting all over the world to telll people to stop driving their cars is beyond parody. No wonder comedy is almost dead. Who could make up anything stupider than this? I can't bear to look. And I'm really, really tired of all this global warming BS. Listen. It's really simple. About a million years ago, maybe more, maybe less, glaciers started forming in the higher latitudes of the earth's surface. Before then the whole world was semitropical. There were no glaciers, none. You could easily call this phenomenon global cooling, but the name that stuck was 'Ice Age.' Previously it was thought that fossils, unusual soil deposits and so on were evidence of The Flood. As time went by researchers added data, refined their analytical skills, and came to some interesting conclusions. The Ice Age was really a series of glaciations. For most of the past million years vast sheets of ice covered areas where we now have farms and cities. But there were also periods of melting, called interglacials. These interglacials varied in length but 5,000 to 20,000 years seems fairly normal. We are living in an interglacial that began about 12,000 years ago. The Ice Age is not over. It is merely in abeyance. It could come back at any time. And you know what? This wasn't the first Ice Age that the planet has experienced. There have been others that were far worse. All this is common knowledge, stuff that should be taught in any grade 7 general science course. Is there any reason to think that human beings can have the slightest effect on these geological cycles of climate? No, none at all.
So why are we deluged by warnings of disaster? Some say it's because all this scare mongering puts a lot of money into funding for climatologists. That is undoubtedly a factor, but I have generally favored the "Global Bureaucratic Conspiracy,' a theory of my own devising. In Europe they are going to make it a crime to disagree with global warming, putting it in the same category as disagreeing with the haulocaust. I have never believed it should have been made against the law to not believe in the haulocaust because I think reasoned debate is the best way to tackle idiotic ideas. And now we see the result. At least the haulocaust, the shoa, was a verifiable historical fact. It happened, and a case could be made that denying this fact could lead to another pogom. But the outlawing of a thought has set a precedent and we can already see what's next. In Europe parents are being sent to jail for the crime of teaching their children at home. This is what the bureaucratic conspiracy is about: abolishing human autonomy. And what better tool than a law to make inconvenient thoughts illegal. It would like to extend this model of justice over the entire world. Having to justify policies to the public is such a nuisance. We can be so stubborn. Remember the Meech Lake Accord, Canadians? The Brian Mulroney government made the mistake of thinking it had us all sufficiently brainwashed to vote the way we were supposed to. But we didn't, to the consternation of the combined forces of government, media, union brass and bureaucratic mandarin.
The global warming theory is just a theory originally based on an oversimplified computer model of atmospheric circulation. It has since been puffed up by blatant examples of scientists fiddling with the statistical evidence, selectively reporting facts which support the story line while suppressing evidence that contradicts it. That's the way they work.
I stand by my earlier analysis, but I've come to an alternate hypothesis of why the Jackass Brigade has become so frantic over the issue of global warming. The credibility of the whole environmental movement is at stake. Once the public realizes what a bunch of hooey it's been peddled then it will look at the Greenpeace canvassers with different eyes. And who knows, once the public has learned to be suspicious of this bit of propaganda who knows where it will all end. It could be big. We might have help from the jihad in this. A few more bombs going off just might wake us up. It's tragic if that's what it takes to make us come to our senses.
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